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Colloquial Cookin'
30 septembre 2008

Hibernation and peach and bacon salad

Aloa people,

Although I have arrived safe and sound, I will have to abandon you for a while.

You can listen to this delicious Renaud song, which will provide ample vocab for you to sustain an entire conversation in colloquial French on how to beat the crap out of people. It can come handy.


Cut up a few peaches

Yeah, I don't have a camera yet. And no baking utensils for that matter. I'll be looking out on your blogs for Robinson Crusoe style recipes. Oh, yes there is a hammer in the flat. I can probably smash hazelnut shells. I will have to find out if there are hazelnut trees in Central Park though.


Cover each peach quarter with a basil leaf

Or maybe if I train hard enough I could get a couple of squirrels from the aforementionned Central Park. I am told hammer throwing as made it as an Olympic discipline.
Coming back to my camera problem, I have really no idea what to get. I'd like one of those cool ones which make a fuzzy background/foreground but get a really neat focus on whatever it is that you shoot.


Wrap up with a piece of streaky bacon - think of it in terms of a straight jacket for the basil.

Otherwise all is going smoothly here. My roommate asked me to bake cupcakes for her birthday, next weekend, which will be an absolute first for me. I'm not even sure what it should taste like. She asked for a buttercream icing, which seems to be pretty common here, according to my sources, but most recipes ask for something like 8 cups of icing sugar, which sounds pretty wild, if not completely absurd. It had better be worth the effort considering I might well need to do most of the mixing by hand (huh, what? with the hammer? Shut up).


Squeeze everybody in a frying pan - no need to add grease.

Well anyway posting - it used to be erratic at best, it's only going to go down hill from now, unless I find really creative ways to use a hammer.


When the bacon is crispy and the peaches have warmed through, set on a lamb's lettuce bed and sprinkle liberally with balsamic dressing.

All your ideas are welcome. Or suggestions about the cupcakes. I was going to take the Magnolia bakery recipe, as it looks tried and tested on a number of blogs, which is usually a good sign. See you in a bit, mes bons petits. In the meantime, behave.

An interesting combo! Really delicious!<br /> <br /> Cheers,<br /> <br /> Rosa
Those look delicious!
really great !<br /> what a good idea !<br /> have a nice day<br /> val
I love the little bacon wrapped peaches, intriguing.<br /> <br /> I'm in search for a great camera too. Let me know what you decide on and any tips you get.<br /> <br /> Bytheway, you won my Pierre Herme giveaway. <br /> c'est chouette, n'est pas?!<br /> donnez-moi votre e-mail et j'enverrai votre petit cadeau demain. :)
Ca ne te derange pas si je reste la un p'tit moment la pour ecouter la chanson de Renaud? :-)<br /> Elle sont superbe tes peches au bacon. Tu as un talent fou dans la cuisine, tu ne peux pas nous laisser trop longtemps sans 'updates', hein?
Colloquial Cookin'
Colloquial Cookin'