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Colloquial Cookin'
14 mai 2008

Date Maamouls

Date Maamouls
Do you remember those shiny exciting days when you were young and foolish and thought that eating a teaspoon of chocolate powder was bound to be a more intense experience than, say, dissolving the powder in a predictably boring bowl of hot milk? Yeah,...
3 juin 2008

Griotte clafoutis

Griotte clafoutis
I'm not going to pretend any longer. I think I have identified myself as a "nervous baker". I have now officially entered a second round of administration ultimate-fighting and the urge to bake is overwhelming. I still haven't quite figured out whether...
25 janvier 2009

Cannelés Bordelais

Cannelés Bordelais
Carrying on with the Tour de France of scrumptious edibles, next stop is Bordeaux. Call me stir-crazy, but I'm having a bloody good time (j'ai peut-être la bougeotte mais qu'est-ce que je me poile). Cannelés belong to a long tradition of making fiddly...
16 juin 2008

Pistachio and raspberry financiers

Pistachio and raspberry financiers
What? You thought we'd have that chocolate mousse on its own? You must be out of your mind (vous êtes cinglé, ma parole). And those financiers (like pretty much all financiers) are 1) fast to whip up, and 2) you're left with a couple of yolks you can...
29 mars 2009

Sweet Sticky Rice

Sweet Sticky Rice
Marc, Stéphane, Liz and myself made a poor attempt at going to the bacon take-down in Williamsburg on Sunday afternoon. It turned out, an hour before it even started, all the tickets were sold. Well we could have been cheesed off (ça aurait pu nous foutre...
10 avril 2009

Cured Salmon

Cured Salmon
The good news about having Marc over at your dinner party, taking pictures, is you can guarantee that all the food is going to look glam. The other good news is that every bite tastes as good as it looks. You'll have to take Colloquial Cook's word for...
27 mai 2009

Bacon Fougasse

Bacon Fougasse
You try to read books in a New York research library. Frederick the Great's relationships with his Kapelle musicians have never been so thrilling. And clumps of old men with moustaches (what's with the moustache, I ask?) and an optional hunch keep chatting...
12 juin 2009

Pork Ragoût With Sage and Beans

Pork Ragoût With Sage and Beans
I must be terribly naïve, or a little dim-witted (un peu nunuche) perhaps. I still don't understand why people google (and several times a day too) the words "kiwi porn", which in turns brings them to my uncanny fruit post. I mean, it's pretty damn flattering...
23 novembre 2008

Pear and almond tart

Pear and almond tart
Have you ever shame-posted? No idea what the concept stands for? Ok, some excellent bloggers have admitted to bad picture days, in the same way most of us will have a bad hair day once in a while. Which reminds me that I need to book a hairdresser's appointment...
16 mars 2009

Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread
It's the leprechauns' no-knead bread. My roomies love it. It never survives the evening. Gold pots suck for soda bread. We are talking ultra speedy bread-making here. The measurements don't need to be terribly accurate. I have put in brackets the unauthentic...
2 juin 2008

Tarte aux fraises

Tarte aux fraises
Sometimes your fate for a couple of years to come is in the hands of incompetent white collars (des ronds-de-cuir imcompétents). Then you have reasons to be scared. Of course, there is nothing you can do, except wait, and they can't even manage to stick...
19 février 2009


"Here she goes again with her stupid cookies cutters and crappy photomontages". Well snap out of it people (faites pas la gueule) it's now officially one of my specialties. But today I feel like I'm perfectly entitled to it. You see, I have the flu. (here,...
19 avril 2009

A Pen and a Fork #2: Hot-Dogs

A Pen and a Fork #2: Hot-Dogs
And A Giveway!! "How much junk food does he eat?" Dr. Olman is asking."Oh," Janice says, with enthusiasm, "he's a real addict." His wife is, it occurs to Harry, a channel that can't be switched. […] ". . . tons of fat through his system," Dr. Olman is...
15 juin 2008

Chocolate mousse

Chocolate mousse
I know what some of you are going to say: "Why on earth would one need another bloody chocolate mousse recipe on the blogs?" (well YOU are well out of order sir). Well for one, I don't know that there is such a thing as too many chocolate mousse recipes...
8 septembre 2008

Boudin blanc with prunes

Boudin blanc with prunes
Ahoy! As I awoke to a dreary morning (that accounts for the poor quality of the pictures, btw), I realised this finally was the big day, Boudin-Making Day. After gathering strength from a hearty breakfast, I put the radio on and set down to work. Some...
12 décembre 2008

Grand-Mère Blanc's Poulet à la Crème

Grand-Mère Blanc's Poulet à la Crème
I see some of you have been in a naughty mood recently, landing here with Google requests such as "How to seduce my flatmate" and "Brussel sprout dessert". Now I'd like to point to you that although I don't have definitive answers for either of those...
26 mai 2008

Hazelnut financiers

Hazelnut financiers
Last Friday I made one of my students cry. It was a one to one exam. I just told her that she had two minutes left to finish her presentation, and she started the "cry routine". 1) The eyes fill up with tears that multiple eyelid batting can't keep in...
12 juin 2008

Ligurian lemon cake

Ligurian lemon cake
I've been salivating at the thought of that cake since I read the recipe. It's still in the oven as we speak, but judging by the smell I think I might go and ask Pierre Hermé to marry me right away. His crazy wife is up to no good with her cocoa/mayonnaise...
14 septembre 2008


There has been what I can only describe as a considerable choux madness on the food blogging scene lately, all due to the Daring Bakers' enthusiasm in attempting, successfully on the whole, éclairs au chocolat. I do not consider myself (yet) daring enough,...
21 septembre 2008


As it happens, I ought to be packing up, ready for tomorrow morning. But quite frankly, when you receive such a lovely present, who gives a damn (on s'en cogne). Look at those scrumptiously crispy, toasted pralines! Aren't they thrillingly green? And...
27 décembre 2008


Stuck in your kitchen due to excessive snowing? Get your circus cookie cutters out and hark the call of the (Alsacian) wild. boost up the bass baby National Geographics (cf Les Photographies de la vie sauvage ) is also interested in the tragic fate of...
22 mars 2009

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns
If you were born (to baking at least) a year ago, you may never had kneaded anything. At best you may have kneaded (accidentally I hope) your pie dough and realised it was BAD. Then more articles than you can shake a wooden spoon at were written on how...
25 mars 2009

A Pen and a Fork #1 : Beef Jerky

A Pen and a Fork #1 : Beef Jerky
"And so the winter crept slowly on, and the brief, brilliant summer flitted in, then out, like a golden dream. The second snows were upon the little fort, the second Christmas, the second long, long weeks and months of the new year. An unspoken horror...
3 juillet 2008

Marbré pistachio cake

Marbré pistachio cake
Worse than the administration penpushers, and one rung down on the evolution ladder, are security staff members. Getting a visa, albeit diplomatic, requires you to pay two visits to the consulate. When I first dropped my application, it was almost 30°C...
9 mai 2008

Glacé baby turnips

Glacé baby turnips
Dear friends, Colloquial cookin' is here to help you: 1- prepare for your next cooking holidays in France. Swearing will make helping hands chop/peel/clean up faster, it will also ease the pain when you accidentally squirt lemon juice in your eyes. 2-...
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Colloquial Cookin'
Colloquial Cookin'